When Bobby's world came crashing down on his thirteenth birthday, he knew his life would never be the same again. After losing most of his family before ever becoming a teenager. Bobby was determined not to lose the only person who had truly loved him and was always there for him, his mom. Struggling with the fear of losing his mother to cancer Bobby takes it upon himself running away in search for a way to save her. Along Bobby's journey, he meets Annie, a 'runaway.' Together, they embark on a road where they both find a friendship that will last forever and the true meaning of God. Will Bobby save his mother in time, and will Annie go back to the life she had? Experience this journey with Bobby and Annie and feel the power of true determination, and what God can do if you just let him into your heart....

When tragedy rips through the very core of your soul, how do you find the strength to pick up the pieces? At twenty-three, Lennox’s life was on track. She had just graduated from college and was about to take a teaching job at Wareham High School when a phone call changed everything. Two years have passed, and Lennox knows she needs to move forward, but the only way to do that is to return to where it all began. At twenty-five, Connor Jackson has lived a pretty good life. Growing up with wealthy parents has allowed him never to worry about money until recently. After being jailed for disorderly conduct, his parents teach him a lesson by freezing his trust fund. With only a couple hundred dollars in his pocket, Connor sets out on his own, hoping to start new. In a small town like Little Harbor, finding closure to your past might lead you to someone who will become your future.


David and Mariza grew up thick as thieves—siblings who have always supported each other in all their endeavors. David lives for the Lord and serves others through love, kindness, and compassion. Mariza lives for the world and loves partying, drinking, and running wild. Although they live different lives, they take time to vacation together when they can.
When Mariza realizes David hasn't been himself for a while, she plans a trip, hoping whatever he's going through will get him back to who he is. Packing up the car, David and Mariza hit the road: destination, Colorado, until one rainy night.
Pulling up at a rest stop off the highway turns into a night where nothing will ever be the same, and David's faith in God is tested. Love, loss, and heartache are sometimes more than we can bear, but when God walks with you, He makes a way.


The promise he will keep. The courage he will have. The decision that will change his life. After God answered Bobby's prayers when he was 13, he never forgot how blessed he was and who deserves all the glory. It’s been six years, and Bobby's become a fine man. His life is entirely of love, and his faith is stronger than ever. With his Mother and Tony getting married and his Uncle Johnny finally retiring from the army, life is just perfect, or is it? Bobby somehow feels something is missing. He vowed that for the rest of his life, he'd somehow pay it forward for everything blessed upon him and his family. Not knowing exactly what it is, he turns to God, asking Him for guidance. Just months before Bobby's mother is to marry Tony, he tells her he wants to serve his country by joining the army and following in his uncle's footsteps. Afraid of losing her only son, she tries to convince him to stay, but he feels this is what he needs to do. Realizing Bobby's not about to change his mind, she does the only thing a mother can do: support his decision. On the day Bobby is about to head off, someone comes into his life. What will this mean for Bobby? Will he follow his heart or his gut? Will he finally get answers to the questions he's wanted? Will Bobby make it back in time for his mother's wedding? Find out how Bobby's life is about to change once again.

This book is dedicated to all the children who have lost their lives from being bullied and the ones who will find the strength and courage to continue..... The unspeakable acts of bullying can destroy a life. So many children are affected worldwide, and we can make a difference together. Let’s be the change we want to see in the world.

Julia Stone’s life has been turned upside down ever since her parents decided to move out of the country and into the city. The life she knew was gone, and starting over was something she wasn't prepared for. The thought of a new school, new teachers, and even new friends was terrifying, but after a few weeks, things did. It seems all that bad. Julia had met a boy, and his name was Alex. He wasn't a jock, and he wasn't even the smartest kid in school, but he was excellent, and he made her laugh. Alex and Julia hung out all the time, eventually becoming best friends. They even made a pact never to keep secrets from each other, but for Julia, it was more complicated than she had thought. She had a secret that was destroying the very core of her soul. The kids in her school were ripping apart her life as a teenager. Julia was being bullied mentally and physically. The thought of going through the next three years in high school and being driven continuously wasn’t something she was prepared to do. The choice was simple, and she wasn’t about to do it alone.

In the second book of GBTBR, David picks up and moves to a different state to make a fresh start after losing his sister. Working at a crisis center has allowed him to change people's lives before heartbreak and tragedy.

David believes God is not done writing his story.

One call.......
One voice...
One person...

This is David's moment to save a life; he is determined to give it his all. Has he healed enough to change the outcome of another person's life forever? Can he reassure this person that life is precious and that we can overcome even our darkest days with God's love, grace, and mercy?

David’s story continues because he knows that God blessed his broken road with faith, and he can do the same for anyone who believes.